Il perimetro dell’insindacabilità del parlamentare nella sentenza della Corte costituzionale sul caso Giovanardi (n. 218 del 2023) – C. Lenzi
La decisione della Corte costituzionale in commento è incentrata sulle condotte attribuite all’avvocato modenese Carlo Amedeo Giovanardi, già senatore della Repubblica dalla XI alla XVII legislatura, oltre che Ministro senza portafoglio per i Rapporti con il Parlamento dal 23 aprile 2005 al 17 maggio 2006, nel corso del terzo governo Berlusconi.
Abstract: The contribution analyzes the Constitutional Court’s ruling no. 218 of 2023 on the matter of immunity granted by the Constitution on opinions advanced and votes casted by members of parliament while performing their duties, pursuant to art. 68 para. 1 of the Italian Constitution. The Court ruled upon the conflict of attribution raised by the Court of Modena with regard to the applicability of the immunity provisions over the conducts of Senator Carlo Amedeo Giovanardi, accused of criminal offences. In its ruling, the Court overturned the decision rendered by the Senate Council, which deemed the immunity applicable. The Court noted that the lack of any functional nexus between the alleged conducts performed by the Senator and the performance of his parliamentary duties. In addition, building upon well-established constitutional case law, the scope of application of the immunity was furtherly defined, excluding conducts which cannot constitute actual opinions from a factual standpoint.